Recent content by FR B1GPOPPA J

  1. F

    Personal Questions

    Honey you need a makeover or hair style, or simply a new picture.... :ouch:
  2. F

    360 contest

    Hey if they say it's a contest, then it's because they have a few to give away, so be nice or your name gets slashed, lol
  3. F

    Any1 play Killzone?

    Kill Zone 2 will be very good. Hey are we allowed to mention other gamersites in here? :spin:
  4. F

    Halo 3 status?

    Can we stay on topic here guys, and Gals? Send pm's if you both want to have an episode, lol
  5. F

    Question of the Day

    So what's the correct answer here?
  6. F

    PS2/PS3 Reviews?

    It would only make sense that they will launch it before xmas time. However if they fall short on supply like xbox360 did, then there's gonna be alot of people saying forget it and end up buying an xbox360 instead...
  7. F

    For all new members....

    Some help is better than no help at all....
  8. F

    Tomb Raider

    Yes and you gotta admit, the game looks great compared to the 10 year old versions, lol
  9. F

    Free Xbox 360!!!!!!!!!

    Yes a second xbox360 would be good to have, incase one day your first one ever breaks down.
  10. F

    Halo 3 status?

    Put it this way, for Halo 3 to wait for the release of PS3 to try and slow the sales down on PS3, it will work. Not that much, but a little. Maybe 4%?