Recent content by Alexon

  1. Alexon

    Anyone waitting for Warcraft IV?

    I have to say that as a fellow Warcraft III gamer I am very mad at Blizzard, because they don't update warcraft anymore and even though they updated starcraft and diablo by releasing new expansions they still haven't done anything for warcraft. Yes many will argue that Warcraft IV is WoW, but...
  2. Alexon

    Do you prefer the pc version of games over the console?

    It depends on personal taste, but objectively the PC has more space for new things, features, controls, etc. and also it is better graphic-wise. You can also plug in a controller and convert it to a console. Despite that some people like console over PC because some games are only available in...
  3. Alexon

    Your top PC games of all time?

    Absolutely. I fell in love with War3 game mechanics the micro and macro management required, map knowledge, anticipation, blocking, surrounds etc. Nowadays no game requires such level of skill and intelligence. The thing in War3 is that it has unlimited possibilities and unlimited factors that...
  4. Alexon

    What do you hope to get

    Video games are a form of cheap entertainment. Not many people can become pro gamers, but its not something to not be expected. I guess I play because of entertainment and addiction.Some games are just so cool and unique that you wish you were inside their world! (lol)
  5. Alexon


    I'm the same. I have finished it already months ago and even thought I'm not into first person games I really liked that one. The combat system is smooth and the storyline is amazing! You can either play it stealthy or cut to the chase as you like. I give it 9/10.
  6. Alexon

    What was the first game you ever played?

    The first game I ever played on PC was Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and till now I keep playing Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne! Its an RTS game which I really love, because it requires so much skill and effort. Here are some pro highlights: