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Xatrom Command (XSX) Review

Xatrom Command

The Smash T.V./Xeno Crisis gameplay is a winning formula. High action. Short burst gameplay. Entertaining co-op. Big bosses. Swarms of enemies. Powerful weaponry. And just enough randomness to allow the player to build skill to get better. Xatrom Command follows the overall top-down gameplay of these fan favorites but forgets to include all the cool things that makes it fun.

Apparently, some aliens escaped and it is up to nameless heroes to shoot them all dead. Instead of branching paths like in Smash T.V., screen progression is linear and the player is forced to shoot a few dozen of the same boring enemies each screen before gaining access to the next screen. Strangely, the standard machine gun is best option as the optional bouncy bullet gun fires too slowly and the spread gun doesn’t last long enough to deal any worthwhile damage. There are no super attacks, and the repeating enemies turns the experience into a slog by the fourth screen. Other than playing this repeating, boring campaign in co-op, there is no replay value. There is no score feature. No leaderboards. No unlockable abilities. No boss rush. No options. There are three difficulty options, but the higher setting just makes the enemies faster.

Xatrom Command is sneakily misleading. When I saw the trailer, I thought “oh cool, an indie Smash T.V. clone. Awesome!”  Unfortunately, the repetition is so tasteless and uneventful that there is literally nothing new to see beyond the opening three minutes of gameplay. However, achievement hunters will want to take note as I was able to unlock all Gamerscore in ten minutes.

Not As Good As: Vampire Survivors

Don’t Forget About: Stickman’s Arena

Wait For It: a true Smash T.V. sequel

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

Twitter: @ZackGaz

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A Smash T.V. rip off with a low amount of fun but a high amount of repetition (and boredom).

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