when is too late


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
when is it too late to switch career paths? ive been with computers, mainly Toshiba, most of my "adult job life". specifically 5 years.i never wanted to be one of those drones behind a desk. i've hated the idea of living behind a desk and being a corporate robot. (even though i have special, weird spot for robots) ive ALWAYS had a deep drawing towards animals. no matter the species. i go out of my way to put spiders and other insects outdoors. im fascinated with ALL living creatures. esp. octopus. well anyway, i've started to look up careers in the animal path, namely vet tech and the schooling just seems insane to me . i hate school. maybe cause i never really got the time to invest fully in something that i loved. money was always a presence so i never spent the needed time on learning, studying, etc , ugh, i dont even know what im talking about anymore, as im going off on a tangent. im just afraid of leaving something that i know so much about to something that i love and know NOTHING about. funny how life is. sometimes it come down to a matter of having balls and knowing this is the only chance you get. my words sometimes speak louder than the sentences it tells. i have many a thing running thru my mind. many emotions wanting to rear its ugly, perhaps beautiful head.

wow, i've just typed a couple of sentences and erased them both. i even erased them because i didnt want anyone to know what i typed. and part of me forgot what i typed, when i said to myslef, "F-it, type what you typed. who cares." anyway, stan started talking to me and i forgot my train of thought....

signing off ..

yours truly,

"POST MESSAGE" stan remarks
I would be more than willing to be a corporate robot, as long as it paid well.

You could start a company where you build robot animals.
Dude it is never too late do live ya dreams. All you have to do is believe in yourself. Wow I sound like a bad saturday morning childrens special. Anyways, People who are living their dreams take risks and sometimes do without for a while in order to presue their dreams. Sometimes taking it the safe way you will loose site of your dreams. So the best way is to jump into whatever you want to do half ass and work your way up from there. May be tough but hey you will be doin what you want to be doing. Kind of like me and mygamer.com. I hate you guys, You don't really pay, and You are Halo Bashers. But You are my first step to Internet Supremcy. I will so conquor the world muhahahahhahaha :w1:
I'm on career choice #2 right now...looking for #3 ;)

It's never too late to do what you love or going for it. I have an aunt who always wanted to be a nurse and went back to school in her 40's. Now she's doing what she's always wanted to do. When I went back to school in my late 20's there were several folks who were older than me, looking to do something different with their lives.

I have a niece who wants to be a veteranarian(sp). Maybe my #3 career will actually pay something that I'll be able to help her out.
