Patience, Grasshopper -- in High Definition


Active Member
Dec 6, 2005
Toronto, Canada
So, an awesome thing happened to my wife and me over the weekend.

We were planning to purchase a nice HD LCD TV for ourselves to celebrate our first Christmas together, and have been saving up for it since the wedding. We hadn't picked one out yet, but I'd been doing a bit of research and so I had a good idea of what size we needed and what quality we were looking for.

So, on Saturday, we were visiting Emma's brother and her parents were there too. Her Dad then hands us a cheque(check) for $---- (let's just say it was a big surprise). Sunday, there we were at Futureshop (pretty much exactly like Best Buy), picking out a TV (we got a Samsung). The TV comes with 10 months free HD cable and a PVR (like TiVo, but not TiVo). I'm going tonight to pick up the cable box (which is also the PVR unit).

Now, we don't have a HD-DVD player or BluRay player. And here's where the patience sets in. I am waiting to see which format will ultimately win the war, and then I will purchase a player. I'm secretly hoping it's BluRay now, because as it is, the least expensive BluRay player on the market is a PS3, so I'd get one by default. And I'd rather have a PS3 than an X360. On the other hand, we'll see who ends up with better 3rd party support.

At any rate, next year, I might be packing up the PS2 and replacing it with a PS3 -- IF BluRay wins. We'll see.

For now, I'll just watch Smallville, Heroes, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Numb3rs, BattleStar Galactica (OMG!!!) in HD! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
i have a 62 inch HD sony with state of the art surround sound(no joke) with a cable box and everything. and its nice and light so i can switch the cables from the 360 to the ps3 to the wii at any time!
Ah the age old question...

BTW did you hear the rumor that MGS4 may be ported to the 360?
If it does it'll be a major blow to Sony.
Being a 360 owner, I'd love for that to happen. But it's prolly not gonna happen unless the PS3 completely flops. Which it won't.
I'd want the PS3 over the 360 because so far, there haven't been more than 2 or 3 games for either XBox that I would REALLY want. Sony has a good track record for their exclusive titles (at least, as far as my tastes are concerned).
no very far actually the tv sits on a counter and the reclineing theater seats are a few feet back, for perfect view.