Anyone played games published by Strategy First?


Staff Writer
Jul 25, 2005
Huntsville, Canada
I was just wondering if anyone has had the chance to play any of the PC games published by Strategy First. They're a wonderful publishing house, and they often bring European RTS and economic games to the North American market. Jagged Alliance 2 (developed by Sir-Tech) is an awesome turn-based strategy game akin to X-COM, and Patrician II and III are two beautiful 2D shipping/trading games set during the 1300's. They have a lot to offer, and I was just curious to see whether anyone else has had a chance to play one of their published games; they're easily downloadable if you look through a good abandonware site like Home of the Underdogs.
and no, I don't work for them!

I did have a chance to play, as a matter of fact, I'm still playing Patrician II. It's a very good game, for those who like economics and the like. It was however, for me, very difficult. Granted, I have the geek disease resulting in me not being able to play a game unless I play it on the most difficult setting. Jagged Alliance 2 owned my soul for a very long time...I applaud Strategy First, for their stealing my free time, and I don't have much, and for hooking me up with my much needed fix of realistic strategy...
It's nice to see someone else enjoyed Patrician II as much as I did :). It took me quite a while to get used to the economic model, but after that it was smooth sailing (beer is quite profitable if you buy and sell in small batches). It seems there's a glut of European publishers who are more than willing to bring obscure games into the limelight, and many of them are quite good. The two publishers I can remember off the top of my head are CDV (Project Nomads, Divine Divinity) and JoWood (Neighbors From Hell, Silent Storm). On a different note, I applied for a possible reviewers position on this site, and although I haven't gotten a response back, I hope I'm assigned to review some Strategy First games if I'm hired ;).