A step up in the world


Asst Reviews Editor
Jun 23, 2005
The Old Same Place
IMDB does a daily quote, and I've been following them fairly regularly for the last while. Well, today May 1st they have a quote from a video game. I think that's a sign. It's the first one I've seen on the site. If you read this message today, go to imdb.com and check out the bottom of the page. I thought it was pretty cool.
La Dolce Vita: The Videogame?

Kidding, I guess it must have been yesterday's quote. What game did it come from anyway?

"Game Base" is one of the main options there now, so it looks like they're taking it pretty seriously.
It was a quote from Max Payne. Something about fear. It was a good line, but alas, I do not remember it.
"Business is a good game - lots of competition and a minimum of rules. You keep score with money. "

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell
I like that quote as well Stan. Good call Yoggs, it was definitely something to that effect. I think there was a lead in or secondary line. Like I said, I can't remember. I am usually so good at quotes.
Ok, I recently saw another example of this topic. I logged into the iTunes music store today and on the main page was a link to the Final Fantasy music page. On iTunes, they have the soundtracks for FF I-X minus III, a couple of discs for XI, two Black Mages cds, and a Music From... cd with random tunes. I bought the FFI soundtrack because it was like six bucks. I haven't listened to it yet. Still I thought that was pretty damn cool. I haven't searched the iTunes database, but it wouldn't surprise me if those were some of the only video game soundtracks they have.

Quick side question: what is the deal with FFIII? Is it the black sheep of the series? I saw that they rereleased Final Fantasies on PS 1, however the compilations were FF I and II, FF V and VI, and FF IV and Chrono Trigger. Did they ever rerelease FFIII? Just curious about this issue.
Reply to: wijg:
Quick side question: what is the deal with FFIII? Is it the black sheep of the series? I saw that they rereleased Final Fantasies on PS 1, however the compilations were FF I and II, FF V and VI, and FF IV and Chrono Trigger. Did they ever rerelease FFIII? Just curious about this issue.

Word is it's going to be on the DS, but who knows, really, until Square announces something official.

From what I remember of it, one reason it might have been passed over during the remakes is that it's overshadowed by FFV, which refined the job system and basically everything else - FFIII is still a decent game, but a bit dated in that respect. I'd say it's more polished than FFII actually, but doesn't quite have the infamy.
It wasn't released because Square was wary of a massive fanboy backlash. Now that the story has spread around, they'll simply release the game and make yet another 40-60 hours level up marathon that every fanboy buys.....just gimme Dirge of Cerberus already, i want more DMC-style games.
Reply to: spudlyff8fan:

It wasn't released because Square was wary of a massive fanboy backlash. Now that the story has spread around, they'll simply release the game and make yet another 40-60 hours level up marathon that every fanboy buys.....just gimme Dirge of Cerberus already, i want more DMC-style games.

40-60 hours = my interest goes down a whole bunch.

Seriously, FFIII was pretty tight, in that there wasn't an abundance of levelling and the whole affair could be reasonably completed in something like 20 hours. The Final Fantasy juggernaut might be immune since it's so huge, but Square might want to learn some lessons from the 2D Fighter genre which discovered that basing design around the opinions of the most vocal, obsessive fans eventually gives you a product that while still entertaining, trades growth for insularity.

But maybe that's just me. I love RPGs, but once I get past the 30 hour mark, I get a bit peevish if there's anything left except the optional stuff.
Believe me, if I were the one designing the game, I'd have streamlined the gameplay and culled the length at least half. At least the necessary stuff, that is. I'm certainly all for including lots of content, just past a reasonable point it's optional (see: Disgaea).

With DW7, I did enjoy the nostalgic factor, since it's one of my oldest favourite franchises. On the other hand, the overreliance on nostalgia was really disappointing, and seemed patronizing in how it ignored innovations in things like interface, interaction and pacing - the kinds of innovations (graphics aside) that made the series interesting to begin with.
Reply to: BCampbell:
There was really a lot going on in that game. I don't think it was made for the U.S. audience at all.

I totally agree with that, and I don't blame Enix at all for gearing it completely to their Japanese home crowd, it being their cash cow and all.

All this talk is starting to make me feel like popping it into my PS1, seeing just how it holds up after a few years.
Having not played these games that you are referring to except for the first Dragon Warrior for NES (that is the series you all are talking about right?), BC, your comment was priceless. "I'm still at the final battle with God." From my context, that sentence was awesome.
Yep, you actually fight God. There were a lot of religious themes in DW7, so much so that I was surprised it made it to the U.S. the way it was. if the game got more press, I'm sure it would have been picked up on.

It's a good game if you like classic RPG's from the 8-16 bit era, though. Lots of throwbacks and tons of stuff for DW fans. Gamestop lists it for $28 preowned; you can probably do better than that on eBay. I can't wait for DW8 myself.