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  1. P

    Project Altered beast not coming Stateside!?

    This is a travesty. I'm sorry to hear that Sega all of a sudden thinks such a classic game won't find a home here in the US. I was getting pumped up to play as a Minotaur, too.
  2. P

    Innovation on the DS

    The idea behind the DS is to let developers create innovative titles. However, most of the titles I've seen are not that innovative, just an extra screen to see through. It makes me wonder how many games will be truly innovative on this system. Does anyone have any ideas for an innovative...
  3. P

    The World Series

    Now, I watched yesterday's game with the Yankees versus the Red Sox, and witnessed one of the greatest collapses in baseball history. I am a bit disappointed, considering the quality of the players on the Yankees, but I am also a Sox fan, so I was somewhat alleviated by that. I say this...