Search results

  1. G

    Greetings and salutations...

    I just figured that I'd drop by real quick to introduce myself. My name is Peter, and Stevie has graciously brought me on as a new editor. While I'm pretty sure that my responsibility will be focused on the PS2 section, I understand that I may be needed elsewhere. I've been around the gaming...
  2. G

    God Of War Demo: When "Wow" Just Isn't Enough

    You'd think that, with the releases of Champions: Return to Arms, NBA Street V3, and Shadow of Rome, I'd be knee-deep in playing these... but the God Of War demo that Sony's distributing is awesome. Combine a little bit of platforming, a little bit of puzzle-solving, a little bit of Shenmue-like...
  3. G

    theft or old schooling

    That's the angle I agree with.
  4. G

    Fixing what's broken...

    This (unfortunately) is a common issue with PS2 units. Calling Sony (800-345-7669) is a good start, as they've been known to sometimes fix Disc Read Error (DRE) problems for free (after shipping). GameFAQs might have a home-based solution, if you look under hardware, but if you crack open...
  5. G


    Dragons rule... ...but I didn't really care much for the game, personally. I really wanted to like it-- after all, a Dynasty Warriors-type feel combined with riding dragons and the Squeenix name all sound great... but the play control isn't as tight as it could have been, the camera is a bit...
  6. G

    What do you think?

    Looks good! I came here to look around based on a GameJobs opening and wanted to see things for myself... the site layout is really sharp, IMO. I'm having a little trouble figuring out the game collection functionality... but I'll probably figure it out on my own. :) Nice job!