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    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    o well it better b good or im getting my money back n getting a different game
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    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    ya this game is going to suck ass real bad just like lock down
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    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    i thought thts y its takin them so fuckin long to bring the game out cause they r putin cross hairs on oooo i got a bad feeling about this this is game is probly going to suck major ass but o well thers always refunds if not pon it hehe
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    wht the hell is graw im not tht smart
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    huzzah! it is here! (disgaea)

    lol naruto is ok but i like eureka or how eva its spelled
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    Socom 3

    i still like s3 n even though theirs a whole bunch of laggers n shit but i still like it
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    Who plays online?

    i hope its a great fps or im getting my money back hehehe but i just sttarted playing on line like in december so i havnt really played many online fps or 3rdperson shooter games
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    Socom 3

    ya ur going to have to put it on a hardrive or sumthing like tht n u have to pay for it