Search results

  1. Catherine

    What is the oldest working console you own?

    PS3. Yeah I know, it's not really that old, but I don't tend to keep my stuff that long anyways, and as I barely even use that buying more consoles would seem like a waste of money. Especially when you can just use an emulator to get any and all retro consoles on your PC anyways, so it saves...
  2. Catherine

    PC Gaming

    True, but it'll still be cheaper than any current-gen consoles when you add the price of the games to the total cost, as PC games are cheaper to begin with, and on e.g., Steam you get discount after discount all round the year. So PC gaming is far superior on any metric, there's simply no...
  3. Catherine

    Do you watch anime?

    Not really anymore nowadays. If I happen to run across some interesting series I might pick it up, like I did with Wangan Midnight just recently (although it's like a decade old or something). But before that can't even recall what I really watched last, I reckon few episodes of Death Note on...
  4. Catherine

    As a PC gamer, what is your opinion on controllers?

    Entirely depends on a game. RTS, FPS or MOBA mouse and keyboard, any other device is just inferior, but for 3rd person stuff, driving or flying controllers help a lot and they might even make the immersion much more complete (driving wheels, flight sticks). And when controllers generally don't...
  5. Catherine

    Gameboy Advance

    This really, probably the hands-down most often listed games for the whole platform :P I also liked Advance Wars quite a lot, despite finding it somewhat hard at the age I was playing it. GBA was a really neat handheld console for all Japanese style games, and that's why it's my favorite...
  6. Catherine

    what is your first steam game you played

    I suppose technically it was Counter-Strike 1.6 back in the day, but I no longer have access to that account so I'm going to say Team Fortress 2 since 2011 or something. Not really playing it that much currently, I'm more interested in the trading aspect of it, but I do have some occasional...
  7. Catherine

    Playstation plus...

    It's clearly mentioned that you need PSPlus to play online on the PS4. Even I, a non-PS4 owner, do know that. Although it's probably one of the main reasons for me not to upgrade from my PS3 at all, despite not really playing online on it either. Maybe it's just being so used to free PC gaming...
  8. Catherine

    digital download or not?

    I'm also in the completely digital camp. I just have no need for extra clutter from the discs or cases, as I'm no collector, so might as well go for digital versions. Sure there's the downside of not being able to re-sell anything, but then again I'm so lazy that I bet I wouldn't end up selling...
  9. Catherine

    Your First PC Game

    The first one that I actually bought was Ultima 9. Yes, Ultima 9. I know that it's heralded as probably the worst game in the Ultima series, being super buggy and whatnot, but the magnificent boxing and loads of interesting stuff (cloth map, tarot cards, posters...) made me want it. Never really...
  10. Catherine

    What games are you currently into?

    Lately I've really gotten into Sunless Sea. Yes, I know that it's a bit older game already (2-3 years I think?), but despite the rather simplistic gameplay the drawn graphics and especially the depth and variety of the story gets me! I truly feel like I'm on an sea adventure with that game...
  11. Catherine

    Games You Are Bad At

    Like OP, I wouldn't consider myself a really good gamer - but why should that stop me? I just don't take part too much into online gaming, occasionally I play against some people at the arcade but that's just for fun without any more meaning to it. When playing alone I tend to stick to RPG's...
  12. Catherine

    How old were you when you first got into gaming?

    I reckon I had played some arcade games (mainly pinball though) before getting into console gaming back in the early 90's, and like most of my age group it was via NES and the SMB/Duck Hunt dual cartridge. Afterward have been playing pretty much on a weekly basis at least, although I did switch...