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  1. mrgrn

    How much time a day do you spend gaming?

    It really, really varies. I spend maybe 15-30 minutes most days playing Pokemon shuffle. Otherwise, most days I don't game much. If I do decide to play a PC game, though (which happens once a week or so), I'll play for at least 8 hours. I get super into it. I'll forget to eat or shower, and then...
  2. mrgrn


    Oh man, my boyfriend just got this game for his phone. I had SNES, but my parents didn't want me playing anything violent as a kid, so I missed out on this one. I think I'm going to download the mobile version, though, so the BF and I can beat up people together. Maybe I'll make up for my dull...
  3. mrgrn

    Adult opinions on minecraft?

    I am 25 years old, and I love minecraft. However, I'm sometimes embarrassed to say so, because so many children are so into it, and people tend to respond by asking things like "isn't that a game for kids?" I play by myself rather than on servers. I play as an explorer- I put the game on...
  4. mrgrn

    do you pay for games

    I always download free games and tell myself that I'm not going to make any in-app purchases, but I always end up doing it, haha. I don't usually buy power-ups or anything like that, but if you have to pay to unlock extra levels or something, I'll usually do it if I think it's worth the $3 or...
  5. mrgrn

    Final Fantasy 7, The good old days

    I just made a post about how much I love this game's music! And yes, it's an amazing game. The story is incredible. The characters, all the different worlds and monsters you encounter; it's all so creative. So unique. It's a very long game and it never gets boring. Few games can rival it.
  6. mrgrn

    What's your favorite game (musical) score?

    As a video game composer, this subject is of particular interest to me, but I'm sure that everyone has fallen in love with a game score at some point. For me, it's a tie between Final Fantasy VII and Child of Light. Final Fantasy Vii has so many beautiful, instantly recognizable themes. That...
  7. mrgrn

    Too old to play games?

    I'm going to echo the sentiment that you can never be too old to play games. As long as it's not impacting other aspects of your life negatively, you should be free to do what you enjoy. I will say, though, as I've gotten older I've been more inclined to play by myself or with friends than with...