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  1. Ishtar

    Maniac Mansion: The House Has Got To Blow

    I have my original NES set up on the downstairs television. Once I replace the pin cartridge, it works like a charm. The first game I had to put in was Maniac Mansion. And of course the first thing I had to do on Maniac Mansion was attempt to blow up the house! With the rudimentary save game...
  2. Ishtar

    OAC: Will IOS and Android players ever get to play together?

    I think the fact that iOS players and Android players don't get to play together on order and chaos is a big deal. When I first started order and chaos I had an iPhone, and all my friends had Android. Imagine how upsetting it was for me to find out that I couldn't play this MMORPG with my...
  3. Ishtar

    I've Discovered The Magic Of Arena Points in Order and Chaos

    In order and chaos, when the season 2 gear first came out we were all pretty doubtful about how to access season 1 gear. It seemed as if arena points have been taken out of the game and we would be left with no way to get season one gear. Season 2 gear takes rank, so we were all pretty upset...