Where are the reviews for new games?

I'm snowed into my house with little money right now, and since RE4 has sapped my wallet nearly dry, I can't cover new games that much. I do review lots of older, bigger games, but the newest game I've reviewed was probably Phantom Brave....
I'm signed up for like 4 games to review, but they don't come out until Feb or so at the earliest. That being the case, I will work on writing some previews, but I'm not sure what more I can offer in it except for a "round up" of the same info that someone could get with a Google Search (which is what I'm doing), coupled with the fact that I subscribe to every PC gaming magazine that's published. Oh well- if the editors think it's fluff then they'll decline to publish it, right?

I will personally purchase every one of these games (barring Matrix Online, for which someone sent me a beta key so I can have the review done on release day-- thank you for that BTW). As a PC reviewer, renting games is not an option for me, unfortunately, like it is for our Console reviewers. Personally I think that renting a game and playing through it for review is a GREAT option, and I wish that there was such a mechanisim for PC games.

Does anyone who we've mined for review talent live so remotely that they can't drive in every week to a Blockbuster, or who financially can't afford a weekly $5 rental? If so, we probably should have known that up front before "hiring" them.
Luckily for our PC people, we seem to be able to grab review copies of PC games at a much steadier, and even rate than console games, so it kinda balances out. We've got a few PC titles coming in shortly, though I really don't want to mention any particulars for fear that sometimes they'll tell us they're sending something, and then don't. But for all practical purposes...we get many more PC games than consoles.
I am currently doing the RE4 review, but I've had to work 12 hr shifts at work starting from last week, so I've kept pushing it back (plus the game was pretty damn long). But I will get the review done and in this week (hopefully by the end of today). Sorry about the delay...