What was the first game you ever played?

The first Super Mario Bros for NES.

It's one of the few things I remember from that early age and it was more jumping in holes than actually playing the game.
Super Mario Bros. on an NES clone called "Rambo". I was 2 or 3 years old at the time and I remember sucking hard at it, but damn, that game pulled me into gaming, and I am grateful for it.
First game on PC was called Soldier Front. Basically the free version of CS:GO but then 10 years ago. Absolutely loved it, was an amazing game. Shame it's not so well supported anymore and it's hacked to shambles. I recently found out that there's a Special Force 2 (basically Soldier Front 2) but now that I've got CS:GO I don't really play it.
My first video game I remember playing was Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. Epic game. Chameleon Twist was also one of my first. I got those 2 games together so they were my bread and butter of my entertainment as a kid
I wish I could remember. I was playing videogames ever since I was very small - about 4 years old, I think - so I don't remember most of it. I remember playing Jill of the Jungle and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, tho. First game I've played on my own system was probably Super Mario Bros. or Duck hunt, first game I've played on my own PC was Body Blows - an awful Street Fighter 2 clone for PC.
The first game I ever played on pc is pinball. I remember that pinball game on windows 98. The first paid game I played was Grand theft auto vice city. I fell in love with that game when I saw someone playing it over a decade ago.
The first game I ever played on PC was Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and till now I keep playing Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne! Its an RTS game which I really love, because it requires so much skill and effort. Here are some pro highlights:
Mario I think, it's hard to actually pinpoint my first ever game haha because I was so young when I got into them. My dad love playing them and built computers so he had computer games as well.
Duck Hunt is the one of my first games played. Did you know that the player2 controls the ducks?
Duck Hunt is the one of my first games played. Did you know that the player2 controls the ducks?

I did not know that, I really wish we had. My cousins and I took turns using the light gun and got into a number of arguments over who was playing and whos turn it was. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in Duck Hunt being the first game though. It's not exactly a game one would really think of.
A Simpsons game on the Nintendo. I don't know which Simpsons game, but I do remember that it started out with Bart on a skateboard. Needless to say, I soon become much more interested in the Mario Bros series. Ironically enough, I found those games easier than the previous(first one) I played.
I'm not sure if it was the first PC game I played, but definitely one of the first ones. Tactical Ops: Assault On Terror which was basically a CS clone, from the same creators of Unreal Tournament. Tons of hours playing lan games with friends back in the day :D
On PC it was probably quake and return to castle wolfenstein. Oh, the memories.