
Yeah, I kind of been wanting to see lost, but I don't want to pay $50 for the 1st season DVD set, and all the rental places want you to rent it one disk at a time. Not only am I lazy, but I am also cheap. Anyone know if the 1st season reruns are being shown on some station like TBS or sci-fi or something?
Hmm, I haven't watched any of that show, but I know Spader and Shatner won some awards. Anyway, I wasn't directly replying to what you said, just generally saying to anyone: watch Lost. Besides that, the only other things I watch regularly on teevee are some sports broadcasts, the occasional episode of Star Trek: *, the occasional anime (really liked Paranoia Agent), and whatever else is just me channel surfing and finding something odd. :)

RELgames: I kinda doubt they're showing the first season again anywhere, but you never know. They showed it over the summer again before season 2 started.
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Was paranoia agent the one with the kid who went around killing people with a golden baseball bat? That show made no sense to me at all.
Yeah.. heh. Ever played Silent Hill or watched a David Lynch movie? It's sort of like that. PA's appeal is something almost intangible, not making much sense to your left brain but maybe to your right. Same for that anime FLCL. They MIGHT make sense, or they MIGHT not.
He doesn't KILL anyone...more like knock some happiness into them.

It is actually rather good. There is alot of symbolism, I suggest watching the subtitled version, it makes more sense and it isn't edited for America.
My recommendations:
Law and Order: SVU(easy to walk in mid season and not be lost)
BBC America (cash in the attic)
Trading Spaces
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Concerning Paranoia Agent: Yeah, if I ever decide to buy it, I'll make sure it's the subtitled version. Also, I believe that it and a lot of other anime that don't seem to make a lot of sense use a sort of "cultural shorthand" in the images, dialogue, scenarios, concepts, etc. Same for a lot of art. If you don't actually live there or you're not absorbed in the culture regularly, you're gonna take things out of the original context, even if the dialogue/text has been translated competently and/or images added or removed accordingly.
I could swear that he killed them. My favorite part of that show and FLCL was sitting there with Pat trying to figure out wtf is going on. In fact most of the conversation is along the lines of, "What the hell is this kid?" or "So is she a guitar weilding alien or a mental patient?"
*apologizes for being Captain Obvious in the previous post*

But yeah, I agree, kwilson. There's a certain pleasure you get from not knowing *what* to think when something happens... just smile and nod along with it. Plus the music is good in FLCL and the traveling scooter sequence during the credits is awesome.
Both FLCL and PA are pretty weird. I was hoping PA was going to have some deeper, global meaning suggested by the nuclear bombs going off during the opening credits. The opening credits are really cool. FLCL was cool though: solid writing, interesting story (for only 6 episodes), and quality voice acting. <--- official website <--- great explaination
The first episode will be on at 1:30 am on the 19th on Cartoon Network

The difference between American and Japanese culture. We(Americans) have this need to have everything explained. We don't want things to be left unsaid. It annoys us. We like everything to be tied in a nice little bow and ending the way it "should" end. We want things uncomplicated and easy.

Where as with the Japanese culture the unknown is highly prized. It allows people to draw their own conclusions. Paranoia Agent is like that. Why does Shounen Bat(aka Little Slugger) attack the people that he does?

Is he real? Or is he a scapegoat for others to cover up their crimes, or his he a ghost? Are his victims really victims or are they secretly relieved because it provides a relief from the problems they are facing?

Lil' Slugger, however, seems to be a malevolent being that feeds on rumor, fear, and paranoia. At first, his acts seem like an extreme case of juvenile delinquency. However, he only attacks people who have various forms of extreme stress, depression, or emotional trauma. The victims are so overwhelmed that they enter a state of paranoia as they fight their inner demons. He turns his targets into victims, and as victims, they can escape the desperate situations in which they find themselves right before the attack (e.g. Yuichi, who uncannily matches Lil' Slugger's description, is eliminated as a suspect when Lil' Slugger assaults him). However, Lil' Slugger is a shallow and (when not fatal) temporary solution to any dilemma.

Maromi the pink cute dog in the show seems to have something to do with Lil' Slugger. Where Lil' Slugger purpose is to inspire fear and "Paranoia" Maromi sole purpose is a comforting innocence. At a time when Japanese culture is know for unthreatening creations such as Hello Kitty or Sailor Moon, the director does something amazing, he reveals the fears, sadness and pain that are hidden by the modern embrace by things that are cute.

In a reality where people are surrounded by people and things, yet feel utterly alone, Paranoia isn't just a curse but almost a nessacity . Fear of little slugger is a connection to a world that otherwise wouldn't have meaning at all.

Sorry for going all intellectual on ya.

Wijg: The bomb exploding in the begining has to do with the Atomic bomb we dropped on them and how that bit of history may or may not impact the lives of the Japanese. One of the characters in the anime was there during that attack and his feelings of guilt play into that one of surviving when so many others did not.
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Beth: The same basic sort of ideas and questions you just discussed coursed through my mind while watching the series. I missed a couple of episodes, but anyway, I remember thinking by the end that PA is, in one regard, an indictment on aspects of current Japanese culture, although I can't recall exactly what details got me thinking that. In any case, it calls for a fresh viewing for me over the course of a few days rather than months.