Tokyo Game Show

Personally, I'm digging Chrome Hounds for the Xbox 360. I'm a big fan of From Software's Armored Core series (which I played on a friend's PS2 while I was still in college), and I'm anxious to see what kind of mecha combat they can provide as an alternative to MechAssault (the "dumb blonde" of the BattleTech/MechWarrior universe if I ever saw one). That, and I hope they do a better job on the Xbox 360 than they have on the original Xbox...let me say that I wasn't too impressed with the Otogi series. :ill:
spudlyff8fan said:
You Quiet Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I'm a writer for the Xbox section of It's my job to suck up to Microsoft. :couple:


But in all seriousness, please don't take that to mean I'll throw journalistic ethics aside for them. If Microsoft happens to send me an Xbox 360 and some games, as delighted and pant-wetting I'd be to receive them, if the console and/or games turn out to be crap products, I'll say so. Not that I don't like freebies, I'll take as many of those as I can get. :yummy: But I won't let freebies get in the way of writing my honest opinion, and I'll try my damndest not to let said freebies skew it.

Um...I just veered waaay off topic, didn't I? Please don't pelt me with the off-topic tomatoes. :duck: To future posters, please keep the discussion on the Tokyo Game Show. Otherwise the Forum Dragons :dragon: won't be happy.
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MGS4- obviously
Black- this game looks like pure fun mayhem
Sonic (next gen)- looks promising
N3- looks very promising
DMC4- even though Dante now seems to be a woman trying to look like a man
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Oh you're talking about Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper (damn thats a long title). Its only a PSP game. I wasn't a huge fan of not being able to do all of a character's moves in any fight at any time. I hate those -ism things. I'll still get it though, because I'm hard-up for SF. I wish Capcom hadn't cancelled Capcom Fighting All Stars though, I want a real new Street Fighter game.

I forgot to mention PGR3 & Ghost Recon: AW, they both look fantastic.
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Well, I know how you feel, since one of my favorite things to do in the newer Street Fighters was use a shoyryu reppa then a shinryuu ken which ended up being like...a 19 hit combo depending on the game.

For me, though, the ultimate SF game would have EVERYONE. All the characters from each SF game...

mmm...that'd be so great.
I think every SF gamer has wanted that for years. I think a lot of fighting fans also want real damn endings. The Street Fighter universe is way too rich in back story for Capcom to continue with these usless endings. Capcom needs to get the group that made the SF movie to make the endings. And there should be a kid friendly and a more adult version (ie. some blood & a little cursing like in the movie).