Snoop Dogg


Super Senior Staff
Jun 23, 2005
Is it just me....or do you HATE HIM MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD?!?! Not just for his sinful performance in the Spike TV Game Awards, or how his disgusting mug was laid over Mitsurugi's for th commercials, but just how he is weasling his way into games, and how he really is just a just waste of skin.
Ah, I don't have anything against Puffy, and I did like his Pepsi commercials, but I just seriously hate Snoop Dogg, I mean...has there ever been such an overrated person?
you mean the character or the rapper, yeah the character sucks and the whole fo shizzle my nizzle he stole from bay area rapper e40, the rapper though can still hold up, although I wish he would get away from the neptunes and stick to the gfunk sound he was so great at.

"Now if you C walkin'
You best be C Crippin
Now that goes for kids too
and R & B singers
N***A quit Crip walkin if you ain't a gang banger"
I hate rappers as a whole but I think Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent are the worst, mainly because they have games coming out based on them.

The 50 Cent trailer from E3 is just freaking laughable. If you haven't seen it you should check it out. It portrays "Fitty" as a super soldier who takes out a room of guys commando-style and doesn't even get scratched. Lame. This is the guy who got shot nine times by some dude but in the game he can't even be hit by trained mercenaries. Doubly lame.

The Snoop Dogg game is just as bad because it's following the almost exact same storyline as GTA: SA and it will most likely have less game features than what GTA: SA had. I have yet to see the game in action but I do know that it's starring a rapper and games starring real-life celebrities tend to rate a 9 out of 10 on the crapscale and it's by Midway -- a company that hasn't had any decent shooters in a long time or maybe even at all.

Both of these games absolutely smack of money-grubbing due to the fact that they are featuring a famous name as its main character. I can't wait to see what other musicians will come up with in order to regain their popularity -- Phil Collins: Street Brawler, anyone?
Well, 50 cent at least looks as if he is CAPABLE of being imposing, Snoop Dogg, on the otherhand, is just a stupid lank wadd. I could beat him in a fist fight like nothing. But yeah, Fear and Respect looks like it will be mediocre at best, but I doubt it will reach that high.