Out Sick Today


myGamer Slave
Staff member
Jun 22, 2005
Thats right you heard it here first, I seem to have come down with the flu and will not be able to make it to work today.. Well I shouldnt say that, as I am writing this from work, so I guess Ill just work even though it, I have a 103 fever, sore throat, ears clogged, nose stuffed and am having cold sweats.. JUST SUCKS!! I SHOULD BE IN BED!!!
What you should do is sleep in a recliner and drink lotsa orange or cranberry juice for 3 days and you'll be a peak health. But not too much juice or you'll have peak health w/ the runs.
You can tell Stan is sick because his screenname is in a cloud of yellow, sickly germs.

Back when we were little the 10 year olds made fun of eachother for having cooties. Now the 10 year olds make fun of eachother for having herpes. What has happened to America's youth?!
In Stan's drug induced mind....we all must be careful.

But if someone does die...we all can play clue to see who did it.

I was always Miss Scarlet
Okay I got the leeches. This is going to be fun.

Who has the castor oil?

I was always Miss Scarlet too. Especially when I had the scarlet fever. Spent the whole week playing Clue.