Merchandise IDEAS


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
I know we discussed this at the last meeting, but I'm not sure if we went into it much after that. I was thinking about bumperstickers (we can use non-adhesive ones for those who worry about permanent marks) to spread the word. At least the bumper stickers for now, so people know of our existence as we drive through our towns. Mugs, bags, and of course the shirts through our own online store or at cafepress. We gotta boost funds and hits.

Any other ideas to get the MyGamer name out there?
This is not really a merchandise idea, but more of a business idea. While I graduated from college with a degree in economics, I was not very good at it, so this may be the worst idea since Greedo shooting first.

Could we maybe look into establishing some relationships with newspapers? As video games become more and more mainstream, we will probably see more coverage in newspapers. If any of us live in smaller towns, they probably buy some random article from somewhere. What if we were that somewhere? I don't know too much about freelance writing, but perhaps it could generate some revenue for us as well.

Just an idea. My parents have been encouraging me to see who covers video games for the big paper here in Atlanta. While I doubt a bigger paper would hire me who only has a GC and GBA, they might consider hiring mygamer because we could provide multiplatform coverage. I think it may work better for those who live in smaller towns, but like I said, I am not the business expert.

If this idea has been previously considered and rejected, then I apologize for wasting everyone's time. Later.
We could contact some of the more famous websites and convince them to put banners on their sites., for example puts banners on their sites, and that site is very well-trafficed. That is really the only cost-conscious approach. TV Commercials, magazine advertisements, those annoying ads in instruction manuals, are much too expensive.
I actually like that idea, and thinking on a bigger scale. Targeting local newspapers would be cost efficient (but I'm no business major either). But how about also considering colleges and campus newspapers? To advertise there is not as expensive and we'd be targeting an extremely valuable and accessible population. College students get the paper free of cost and is at everyone's reach.
I am not sure if there was some confusion with my idea. I'm not saying we should advertise in local papers. I'm saying we should provide the review content. I like the college paper idea as students are a big gamer demographic. If only I was still in school. Alas.
Ah ok, but wouldn't that simply be adding our best to that paper instead of bringing the audience to the site? People may read our content via the newspaper and never visit the site. It would have to depend on the layout and presentation perhaps. Where as an ad gives them no alternative but to go if they want to find out more. Unless, we were printing the reviews for the college paper where we know there is a larger pool of gamers. And I'm sure many of us can connect with our attended schools to find out some information. I myself can do several schools in the NY-NJ area. But these ARE ideas.
I am open for any ideas. Especially ones involving finding the Game Dorks and kicking their ass. Despite the fact that I am weak and scrawny, I am sure we could overwhelm them with superior numbers and superior dorkiness. We shall not be denied. The world will tremble with fear at the very mention of our name.

I say for those of us who still may be in college or have a close connection to a college, we try to hit those up. Of course, we may have to wait until August to enact this plan. By that time, however, we should have a good one in the pipeline. Again, I think our best bet could be small town newspapers. Does anyone have a close connection to the print media who might be able to provide some feedback for this matter?
I can look around for those people...and leave a flaming bag of dog crap on their doorstep....with a landmine underneath it. This is our house! But I live in a small town, only 15 000 people, and it costs a surprisingly large sum of cash to advertise in them, so I would imagine it would cost much much more to advertise in some of the papers people read. Plus, not many gamers read the newpaper, and if they do, they read Garfield, sports and toss the rest out, so it wouldn't be really cost-effective to advertise in a newspaper. College newspapers would be better, just because the people who read them are young. But it still may not be worth it, just because the same bunch of nearby restaurants advertises, and that's it, so nobody would really bother with the advertisements since it would just be redundant, so that may not work. Magazines, i seriously doubt we could pull off, just because it would both cost a lot of money, and I doubt they'd want to help out a potential competitor. A potential idea would be to strike ourselves a close relationship with a big game company, and if we get lucky we could have them slap one of those "This game is great!" lines onto one of their games, then people would wonder "hmm, I wonder what is?"
Even if you don't go to college you could always just go there and ask if you could advertise. I'm sure they'd probably say no but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

I really like the idea of MyGamer Gear(tm) ( :p ). I wouldn't mind some sweet MG swag. I'd whore this site out every chance I could get.
Double Posting!

Hurry up and start making MyGamer Gear (TM). I want a T-Shirt, coffee mug and poster. The MG symbol will one day be more recognizable than the crucifix!
Reply to: spudlyff8fan:
A potential idea would be to strike ourselves a close relationship with a big game company, and if we get lucky we could have them slap one of those "This game is great!" lines onto one of their games, then people would wonder "hmm, I wonder what is?"

The best way to do this is to review games before the packaging and/or advertising is designed. That requires a combination of efforts from the PR team (to get promitional material) and reviewers (to complete reviews in a timely manner).
For merchandising, we could also incorporate some original MyGamer characters if we ever get around to making the comics. We could put slogans on our crap like, "...And Remember kids! Iggy the Alien (a character I created years ago) says, 'visit ... or you will die." or for a more PC slogan: "visit and you will marry supermodels!" followed by the insignia. I've got a million of 'em!