How to use the new forum software


Staff Member
A couple of people have asked about what all of the options at the bottom of a message are. Here's a quick rundown:

Automatically parse links in text: turning this option on will automatically turn any URLs in the message into hyperlinks. Turning it off won't.

Disable smilies in text: This disables the "smiley codes", useful for those who use lots of colons and semicolons.

Image Hosting: This allows you to upload a image from your computer to the ImageShack service -- make sure you read the terms of service before doing so.

Attach Files: This allows you to attach a file to your message directly from your hard drive, much like an email attachment.

Thread Subscription: Default is Do not subscribe
No email notification: Thread will show up in your "subscribed threads" under User CP only.
Instant email notification: You will recieve email in real time as messages are posted to the thread.
Daily/Weekly email notification: You will preiodically revieve an email if any messages have been posted in the thread.

Post a Poll: Adds a poll to the message which users may vote on. Poll options will be set when you click on Submit New Thread.

Rate Thread: On replies, you can rate a thread from 1-5. The overall rating will show up in the forum view.

Images, hyperlinks, text formatting, etc.: If you are using the default or WYSIWYG message editor interface (this can be changed in "Options" in User CP), there will be a list of formatting options above your message. Also, at the bottom of Additional Options are links which explain how to use VBCode and other tags.

Below Additional Options, you can review the previous messages in a thread, which is very useful.
Nope sorry. Things happen only when you take blue or red pills. Green pills are right out. They were probably just M&M's anyway.