help required


New Member
Jul 27, 2005
Hopefully many of you can help me. I am currently working on my MSc Dissertation for Telecommunications at the University of Ulster in N Ireland. In order to be successful in this I need a few questionnaires filled in to gather developers experience of the Massively Multiplayer Online Games. I have placed the surveys on the University Website and would be very grateful if anyone experienced in these types of games would fill them in and email them back to me.
I have provided a link to the documents below.

Patrick Wilson
My acrobat isn't working ATM, and I am well versed in a couple of MMORPGs (Graal and FFXI). Could you just post the questions on this site? or something....
did anybody actually help this person out? Lazy bastards get off your asses and do something productive, like me, can't you see my name is the only one on these forums, that's right I rule the forums, mwa ha ha ha!!!