Halo 3 Beta


Editor in Chief
Jun 23, 2005
If you bought Crackdown, you can now download the beta. it is a lot like Halo 2, but with new weapons and levels. The "X" button now drops extra items like a Grav Lift, or that shield bubble that was in the commerical. You can also save the whole match via a video option where you can then post and recommend to your friends.
I have to say I love it. I didn't get to play for too long, but I think it's better than Halo 2 and it's a lot of fun. Plus I'm just happy that you don't spawn with SMGs anymore.
It is pretty good. The beta is only 3 stages, but you get a good idea of what is going on. The man cannon is pretty cool, but i wish it launched you higher/longer. and out of the 20-or so games i played, i only played one CTF. and when playing Skirmish, there was Slayer it in. But it is rather entertaining.