Godfather 3


Super Senior Staff
Jun 23, 2005
So I'm sitting here, watching Godfather 3, and I have to say...it SUCKS.

Painfully obvious badguy (he makes a big speach about how he's GONNA GET YA)
Dumb story (OMG, now he's legit and his son hates him cuz he killed his bestest uncle, LAME)
Incest (cousin on cousin is not good)
Random, stupid violence (the scene where Michael's nephew caps the two guys was cool, but WHY IS THERE A RANDOM HELICOPTER ATTACK ON A BUNCH OF OLD GUYS!??!?!?)
No Tom (the best character is just mission? Stupid.)
Uncool mob-hits (KKK-looking people pull out a sawed-off shotgun while other guys with SMGs pop out of nowhere? Mob hit - revolving door - shot in the eye - an elevator - stealth = LAME)

I guess Michael's daughter is kinda hot...cept she's got this huge lightbulb nose.
Godfather 3 was strictly a Hollywood 'push' film. Since the first two films were not only a commercial success and a critical success and Academy award winners, the 'powers' reckoned a third (that had nothing to do with the original story, not even on accident) would have to be good, right? fellas? Coppola was basically conned into making it and had to screw around with all of characters (Michael turning to the church? Tom Hagen dead? what the?) just to get it on screen. Just a mess all around. Stick with parts I and II, or better yet, read the book, then play the game.