Games for the Macbook


New Member
Sep 20, 2015
I have a PC and I have a Macbook Air as a laptop. I often travel and bring my Macbook with me, but I still want to play some games during my lull time. What good Macbook games would you recommend? (Please don't tell me to get a high-performing Windows laptop instead...I need my Macbook for work. Thanks!)
I am in the same boat as you and so have some suggestions, the first set are great to play on a laptop. The second set are slightly harder to play but are a lot more like your typical "hardcore" game. The Mac can run them pretty well though.

  • Peggle Nights - This game is a basic puzzle game, its turn based and pauses when your not in the window so if you get given something important to do you can effortlessly pause your play session. In addition the nature of the game let's it be played in busy area's and with the touchpad on the Mac.
  • Pivvot/Velocibox/Super Hexagon - All of these games use wasd/directional keys meaning you don't need to crack out a mouse to play them but are deliciously difficult and if you are looking to get all of the achievements you can spend hours playing them.
  • Race The Sun - In this game you use only the left and right buttons (and sometimes the space bar) so again you will not need a mouse. It starts off very easy as you move along a track trying to stay out of the shadow's and not crash into anything. As you go you collect points and power up's that can help you as the game gets harder.
  • Katawa Shoujo/Hatoful Boyfriend - If you like visual novels/dating simulators these two are perfect for the Mac since they run very well on it and permit you to save quickly and easily at any given point. The first can get very risqué and so you may need to turn off the adult portion, your prompted to do this in the beginning.

  • This War of Mine - This game requires a mouse, you might be able to play without one but I wouldn't expect it. This game revolves around a group of survivors trying to make the house they found habitable. They also have to trade/steal from other survivors and do everything they can to survive until the war is over.
  • Mark of the Ninja - A game that I personally love, you will need a mouse mind. You play as a ninja that must go about saving friends and then seeking revenge with a massive reveal at the end.
  • League of Legends - Your typical MOBA from an almost top down view. It runs shockingly well on the Mac but you will need to be able to dedicate about a hour to a game because leaving in the middle of the match will get you in a lot of hot water.

I hope this was kinda helpful!
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@ilivetofly Thanks a lot for your very detailed suggestions! This War of Mine has been in my Steam wishlist for a while now, so I'm glad that you mentioned it. The premise of the game sounds really interesting and I've been thinking of buying it. Maybe I just will!

To add to this, I actually tried playing Civ 5 and Tropico in my Macbook Air and they worked just fine! I only had to adjust some settings to prevent lagging, but I've logged in a couple of hours playing these two games already, so if anyone's having doubts--you could definitely play these games in your Mac.
Many people are unaware that a lot of great games are available for Mac OS X. Max Payne 3 (third-person shooter), Borderlands 2 (first-person shooter), XCOM: Enemy Unknown (strategy), Torchlight II (RPG), and Bioshock: Infinite (first-person shooter) are some of the games I'd suggest and all of these can be played on a Mac. I also suggest you to install Windows onto your Mac using Boot Camp and you could use it like a Windows laptop if you want to play more games which are available on Windows.