Do you like playing puzzle games?


Oct 18, 2022
I don't do so well with playing puzzle video games. It's only a few of them that I managed to play. I enjoyed playing Tomb Raider games but the puzzles in it makes it very challenging for me.

What's your favorite puzzle games?
I do like playing puzzle games, yes. One of the games I remember playing that I had fun with was What Remains of Edith Finch. That was a game I played through and managed to I believe get 1000 gamerscore on Xbox playing that. It was a very fun game and definitely a game I like to play.
Puzzle video games are one my favourites. The main reason why I don't joke with such games is because they are very practical and tactical. It's not a game you can rush play in any way.
Yes, I love playing puzzle video games because they are very interesting to play. If you love being tactical, playing puzzle games will help to sharpen your instincts.
Ordinarily, I like playing puzzle video games but whenever the puzzle video game is something that is repetitive, it is going to be boring for me to enjoy that kind of game. I like puzzle games that are interested and fascinating to play.
Yes, yes, yes. Puzzle game has also been one of my favourite too. All the puzzle games that I have played used to be interesting and fascinating and it makes me to look for more that I can play. Puzzle game helps to sharpen your mind, grows your instinct abilities and gives you sharp thinking.