Captain America


Super Senior Staff
Jun 23, 2005
For those who didn't read to the end of the Civil War and its fallout, for shame. But Captain America was shot dead and it actually made national news. Hell, the NYT needed something to run over how there was going to be a terrorist attack in New Jersey.

Anyway, Cap was shot dead and he's buried and, allegedly, not coming back outside a mini-series where he'll be pulled right out of the 1940s and, if fan comics have told me anything, he'll tell the Black Panther and Luke Cage that he "doesn't dislike them, but just thinks there should be a seperate Negro Avengers," but ultimately end up back in the 40s to make sure they don't ruin WWII. Since then, we've seen Hawkeye briefly take up the costume and shield, the Punisher take up a similar costume, Cable wear a Cap emblem on his shoulder to honor him, the Winter Soldier going crazy on a plan to kill Tony Stark and lotsa other stuff that doesn't ultimately have Steve Rogers coming back to renew our patriotism.

Well, there's a new Captain America in town.


And now everyone's asking "who the hell is it?"

WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?!??!?!?!?!?

My guess: Nick Fury.
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I just think it is cool that Cap. America death made the news and people were actually talking about it.
All signs point to Bucky, it makes the most sense but the deal is it might be a little too easy, so I'm not 100% sure on it but I'll stick with it.