Anyone else here game testers?


New Member
Feb 22, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Alpha, beta, in-house at developers?

Not to brag, ok maybe a little, but I'm fortunate enough to have many, many, many developers calling my area home. This gives me the wonderful opportunity to go test games at a variety of companies. Not to mention all the beta and alpha tests I take part in. The only real problem is taking time off my well paying job to go do a low or no paying job for a day or two. But that's what sick days are for :shhh:
I am not a game tester. However, I have an interview on Wednesday to become an Associate Producer for Gameloft in NYC. Cross your fingers for me!
That's awesome, Katie. Are they the Gameloft that makes java-based mobile games? And what does an associate producer exactly do? Anyway, good luck to you.
That is the corect Gameloft. I am not 100% sure about the job. I think it's a bit of a catch all position: some coding, some creative stuff, some marketing.
Producers in gaming basically do the same thing as they do in movies. They manage the whole project and make sure everything goes as planned. It is helpful to know some coding, but not at all necessary. I applied at LucasArts for the same position and got beaten out. Oh well.
Katie doesn't let anyone beat her. She is always the one doing the beating. And boy does it hurt. All the luck to you on the interview Katie.
I did get a call a while back concerning testing for Redstorm, but it's 3 hours away from where i live :mysteryma ...Why can't they have any of the game companies where i am??....No one knows, but there's a rumor EA might be bringing part of their sports division down here....So, here's a toast to that :beer:
Coming from the person that has become katies mortal enemy due to the fact that she's a girl and girls are yucky I wish you the best of luck. If they don't hire you wijg, GT, and I are going to go there and start breaking some knee caps. Now keep us posted in this very intriguing situation *hmmmm, I too have an uncle* and as past matters are concerned, next time you use the female jedi mind tricks on me, I'm going to hold my breasts until they turn blue, crap I mean my breath.
It went pretty well guys. I have to go back for another interview because one of the guys who was supposed to interview me wasn't there. But I have hope that he will be charmed by me.

But walking around Manhatten in my dressy shoes sucked. I have to go soak them in warm water now.
kwilson said:
I am not a game tester. However, I have an interview on Wednesday to become an Associate Producer for Gameloft in NYC. Cross your fingers for me!

That is the corect Gameloft. I am not 100% sure about the job. I think it's a bit of a catch all position: some coding, some creative stuff, some marketing.

It went pretty well guys. I have to go back for another interview because one of the guys who was supposed to interview me wasn't there. But I have hope that he will be charmed by me.

Katie, have I told you how cool I think you are? *hint* By far you are the smartest person on Mygamer. You know what, you're the smartest person in the world! *wink* MG would be nothing without you. You're the best KWilson. Simply the best! *hint, hint* Your articles, A Button Masher's Perspective, are simply brilliant. I could learn a lot from you. *wink, wink*
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Congrats K and may the force by with you....and if it's not, you can always go Darkside on all of us at MyGamer....heehee....."The Force is strong in this young Jedi "...
Sigh....I just got an email saying that they found someone more qualified to fill the position. Now I am sad. I'm going to go curl up in a little ball and play KOTOR until I feel better.