Anybody feeling charitable?


Active Member
Dec 6, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I'm sure some of you folks have web sites of your own that get a decent amount of traffic. I'm begging for some ad space to promote my store, paddywhack.

If anybody who has the means is feeling charitable enough to post links/banners/text ads or anything like that, please PM me. More product will be released this week. This shop represents a frustrated artist's attempt to make some money off his creativity. Please help him out!
Doesn't help that the culture of the internet frowns upon people making money off of intellectual property and similar things, especially if the person selling is the creator. :p Everything's supposed to be free. If you sell actual physical items that cost money to produce, however... then I guess you can get away with selling that at the cost of production.

At least that's the impression I get. I know there are some people out there that don't mind paying for stuff, but usually it's the result of an elaborate, collaborative project/product (like, say, Runescape maybe, which of course has a free version).

And to answer your query, I don't have a website.