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  1. Rolan

    Top Ten Games List!

    I also can't put them in order but here are my 10... Baten Kaitos Fianl Fantasy Tactics Advance Tales of Symphonia Golden Sun Golden Sun: The Lost Age Soul Calibur 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Megaman Batlle Network 5 Double Team DS Mario Kart 64 San Fransisco Rush 2049
  2. Rolan

    Anyone know details about Baten Kaitos 2?

    Well yeah, the voiceovers weren't the best, but maybe they'll do better in BK2. The music was goo though and there still are lots of other good things about Baten Kaitos. And thanks for the compliment Meggo.
  3. Rolan

    Anyone know details about Baten Kaitos 2?

    Don't be. Its nothing like any trading card game. The cards are more a way to do combos using pairs and straights to increase the damage.
  4. Rolan

    Anyone know details about Baten Kaitos 2?

    Hmm. Very interesting. Thanks.
  5. Rolan

    Anyone know details about Baten Kaitos 2?

    I was hoping to find out more details about this game. I know that its supposed to come out here sometime in June but other than that I don't know much.