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  1. deshrill


    I just read the 1UP article and I have to say that it's a bold move from the Nintendo. It's along the lines of the Virtual Boy and the Nintendo DS (and, to some extent, Sony's Eye Toy)-- they seem to be interested in creating unique controllers to promote innovation in game development...
  2. deshrill

    What "20 years of Nintendo games" will you download for the Revolution

    The big question of what titles will initially be available for download (or for online only play) via the Revolution is the important thing. Nintendo has always had a pretty solid track record with their first party games and there are some great ones for their classic systems: Super Mario...
  3. deshrill

    the sad thing

    Get what? The Revolution? As far as I can tell, the main thing that is keeping Nintendo afloat is its domination of the handheld market. The PSP is doing well, true, but at a higher price point than the DS and with a poorer selection of software (not to mention that the GBA has tons of...
  4. deshrill


    I really need to rent this game now that it's on PS2; if I could afford paying full price for it, I would. TIm Schafer did a wonderful job with his work on the puzzle design and writing for various LucasArts computer games (Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle) and I've heard...
  5. deshrill


    I finally got to see a clip of this game in action when I was by an EB Games recently and I was really impressed. The still shots are gorgeous too, but seeing the fluidity of the animation really adds a whole other level of appeal. Now we just have to wait to see if the gameplay is any good...
  6. deshrill

    MGS4 Pics!!!

    I wasn't willing to wait for the pics to load since I'm on dial up (don't ask), but the paraphrases from the Kojima interview on that thread looked interesting. The MGS series has always pushed the bar with its graphics. I'm more interested in seeing how the controllable camera in the revamped...