Recent content by OP3Cursed

  1. OP3Cursed

    Oh. My. God of War

    You know who they should get to play kratos? Vin Diesel thats one badass dude. Def. could kick the shit outta some people
  2. OP3Cursed

    God of War I

    lol i hear ya but damn i love that big sword artemis.
  3. OP3Cursed

    who is going to get it?

    im gettin one asap looks like a nice system regardless of wat any1 says
  4. OP3Cursed

    OMFG PS3 PRICE GIVEN. They Pulled the Xbox

    well if u think bout all the features u get with the system its a great deal
  5. OP3Cursed

    What ps3 games outta these do you want most?

    havent heard of some of the other games so i just picked the one i liked that i knew
  6. OP3Cursed

    PS3 game improvements?

    wow u guys are real downers u just gotta cross your fingers nd pray for a kickass system AND IT WILL BE NUMBER ONE AND ANYBODY WHO SAYS OTHER WISE SMOKES TO MANY DRUGS!!!!!!!!!
  7. OP3Cursed

    PS3 game improvements?

    very much agreed Devil May Cry 4 is a good reason why im buying the system
  8. OP3Cursed

    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    i k dude its seriously pissing me off
  9. OP3Cursed

    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    Ninja thats fuckin true lol "Where are the frags, I'm rushing in, who is with me?".........our response. "Um ninja u just go out there we got your back"
  10. OP3Cursed

    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    i hate dotters so damn much.....we had a huge problem with that in Black Hawk Down
  11. OP3Cursed


    online was terrible offline was actually pretty nice
  12. OP3Cursed

    huzzah! it is here! (disgaea)

    um idk wat that is but the only anime show ill watch once nd awhile is Inuyasha. It does get old after to long but its ok when nothings on
  13. OP3Cursed


    thats for damn sure. I bought graw for ps2 nd the online graphics were terrible. unless u want a singleplayer game dont buy it
  14. OP3Cursed

    America's Army, who's getting it ?

    The game is supposed to be hardcore Modern fps. The maps nd how big they are i have no idea but im hoping they are medium size cause small maps suck nd so do big maps unless u have vehicles
  15. OP3Cursed

    America's Army, who's getting it ? not really sure when push comes to shove i will end up buying the game but if its sucks im dropping it so bad