Recent content by KNH

  1. K

    Do you think the next Nintendo system will keep the "Wii" name?

    Personally I don't think so. I have a Wii and just dont find it that great. I don't own a Wii U but I have read and heard a lot of complaints about it. If they're smart, I think they need to go another route and create something new so they can generate new interest and keep raking in the $$$.
  2. K

    Do you prefer the pc version of games over the console?

    I think it depends on the game. For sports and racing games, I despise playing them on a PC. It's just not the same. However, other things like Sim-type games and most RPGs are better on the PC. Overall, however, I prefer a console.
  3. K

    Classic PS1 Games

    WOW I just got some total nostalgia from your list lol! How could I have forgotten Tomb Raider?? You've listed some really good ones!! I want to play all of them now!! :)
  4. K

    First PS1 game?

    Crash Bandicoot for sure! I remember I thought it was soooo cool at the time (it was!!) and I couldnt have ever imagined the types of things they have now!
  5. K

    What consoles do you currently own that still work?

    N64, PS2, Wii, XBOX 360, and I think that's it. I still have a bunch of old Gameboys too, lol
  6. K

    Do you miss the annoying music?

    Same here. When I hear an old annoying song I laugh a little and then after about a minute I'm like UGGGHHHHH :D:mad:
  7. K

    Local Multi-player classic game with the most hours played?

    Goldeneye N64 for sure. I honestly probably spend hundreds of hours playing that multiplayer, and even more single player. I loved that game so much!
  8. K

    Would You Consider Yourself a Good Person?

    I think I am, but only when I find it fair. I don't like being lied to or used, so if someone violates me in some way I am not going to be nice to them. In general, however, I try to be a decent person towards strangers and people that I like.
  9. K

    How much time do you spend on internet?

    I am usually on the Internet for about 16 hours a day, which is ridiculous but necessary with what I do. I think it's scary to imagine my life without it - what would I do, where would I go, how would I communicate? I have no idea how I did it when I was younger haha
  10. K

    How much time do you spend on internet?

    I agree. I oftentimes wonder what I did with my time and I have no idea what I would do without it now.
  11. K

    Could you go 24 hours without a screen?

    No way - I don't think I could do it. I am on my computer the majority of the day (at least 12 hours) and honestly don't know if I could find something else to do during free time UNLESS I was with friends who could entertain me the whole time. It would be interesting to try, though.
  12. K

    Your top PC games of all time?

    Me too!! I have no idea why because it's not the type of game I would typically play but I was OBSESSED with it! I used to save up my money for all the expansion packs - House Party was my favorite! I think one of the reasons I would still play it today if it was compatible with my systems is...
  13. K

    Favorite Bond game?

    Like everyone else seems to agree on, Goldeneye was THE BEST. I loved that game so much. I would play it all the time, both single player and multiplayer. In fact, I think I would still remember how to play it today!!
  14. K

    Favorite Smash Brothers Character?

    Falcon Punch!! Haha. That was my favorite move, but I typically would play as Fox or Link. I really didn't like playing with other ones like Jigglypuff, that one was just awful!
  15. K

    Favourite N64 game?

    All of the James Bond games were my favorite. Cruisin' the World was good for a while. Super Smash Bros is still awesome. I also liked a couple of the NFL games until they started getting more technical. I enjoyed Diddy Kong Racing too. Ah, brings back good memories :D