Recent content by GoldenWing

  1. GoldenWing

    Favourite N64 game?

    Majora's Mask was my favorite game. It was intense, deep and amazing, and to this day I still replay it every year. It has aged well, in my opinion, although it always disappointed me it had so few dungeons compared to Ocarina of Time. That'd be the only flaw it has, I'd say.
  2. GoldenWing

    Favorite Smash Brothers Character?

    Captain Falcon, at least in the first game, as that's the only one I have played to this day. The speed and the strength of the FALCON PUNCH were the main reason I chose that character, and it was amazing.
  3. GoldenWing

    Browser-Based Games

    YKongregate is the best site for browser games. Their badges and achievements also give the player a sense of accomplishment I personally haven't felt anywhere else. I love that website and I'd definitely spend more time there if it weren't because I have to study and work.
  4. GoldenWing

    What would you do

    It already happened to me. Man, I was frustrated. I had all my games there and to this day I haven't replaced any of them. I also lost a lot of files, music, Word documents, among others. Since then I rely more on cloud storage to avoid losing everything. I think that doesn't work for games and...
  5. GoldenWing

    What would you do

    It already happened to me. Man, I was frustrated. I had all my games there and to this day I haven't replaced any of them. I also lost a lot of files, music, Word documents, among others. Since then I rely more on cloud storage to avoid losing everything. I think that doesn't work for games and...
  6. GoldenWing

    Do you think games are worth their current retail price?

    As I take advantage of sales and offers I can't say I have an opinion about the actual prices in games. After all I go for a price as cheap as possible, ignoring the retail price. It also helps that on the Internet it is often much cheaper than buying it in stores in my city.