Recent content by DappleGrey

  1. DappleGrey

    Have you utilized U-Share? If not... WHY NOT!!?!?!

    Okay, so I know it's called U-Stream or U-Share. But has anyone utilized it yet? Basically, it's an app on the PS4 that allows you to stream your live gameplay through twitch or u-stream. You can tell your friends to click on it and watch whatever you're doing, and it can even record...
  2. DappleGrey

    Trying to play games with PS4 controller?

    I've been trying to figure out how to play Fallout NV on the PC with my PS4 controlller. Would anyone here know how to set that up? I know on reddit, someone specifically had a question for Fallout NV, but are there any other configurations that need to be done to play in general?
  3. DappleGrey

    Is the DS a chick system?

    Absolutely not! Do you have any idea how many guys walk around my school playing their DS's. It's mostly games like yugioh, pokemon, etc. But it's certainly not a "chick system". Anyone can play it. In fact, my wrestling boyfriend LOVES the DS and is constantly bugging me to play on it FOREVER.
  4. DappleGrey

    What PS4 game are you looking forward to in 2015?

    Ohhhh like joshposh said, ANY Hitman game. I definitely look forward to it. Not only hitman, but the REMASTER OF MASS EFFECT. Oh my gosh, in case you didn't see my profile picture, I love space and all things that have to do with space colonization. I'm hungry for some space games. Hopefully...
  5. DappleGrey

    Reasons for not buying a PS4 just yet

    I honestly hate the fact that they came out with the PS4 bundle this year. I bought my PS4 in July for 359.99 and got NOTHING other than the system itself. And now they come out with a bundle that includes not one, but TWO, games?? Absolutely cray. On top of that, I feel like we were cheated...