Recent content by Dan Kirichok

  1. Dan Kirichok

    Games You Are Bad At

    I am pretty horrible at most first person shooters. I can have spurts where I am doing good but my issue is I am really inconsistent. I can have one game where I have a 2.0 k/d and then the next game have a .4 k/d. Most of the time I play is with my friends so all my playing is mostly light...
  2. Dan Kirichok

    RIP, My Xbox 360

    I hope you did a holy ritual along with a memorial service. The xbox deserves that from you. In the mean time you can wallow in sorrow for a little bit then get the xbox one. You have to continue the xbox family chain, it is the least you can do.
  3. Dan Kirichok

    Older systems?

    I usually hold on to my older consoles because they have a lot of sentimental value to them. Usually if I were to sell an old console I would only get a tiny fraction of the amount of money I paid for it. I'd rather keep it and play it every now and then just for nostalgic value. In my opinion...
  4. Dan Kirichok

    Plants vs. Zombies

    I'm assuming you're talking about the second Plants vs Zombies game made by EA. The first Plants vs Zombies game impressed me so much. It was such a simple game yet fun for all ages. It had the right touch of difficulty in my opinion and it had a lot of replay value. So of course when I heard...
  5. Dan Kirichok

    What Does Everyone Think of the Kinect for the Xbox One?

    I think right now it is more of a toy than a utility. Although it is much better than the Xbox 360 Kinect you still have to shout pretty loud for it to be accurate. I see the Kinect like I see Siri on the iPhone, cool for a little bit but then it gets stale and you never really use it. I'm...
  6. Dan Kirichok

    Do you think Microsoft screwed up with the Xbox One?

    I think the xbox one screwed up with the reveal of it when they announced that there would be bad features such as games you own could only be exclusively played on your console and that the xbox one had to be connected to the internet at least once every 24 hours for you to play online. Luckily...